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Legal Professionals

In today’s dynamic and technology-forward environment, legal professionals poised to succeed are those that capitalize on the many opportunities that legal technology presents.


Yet making the most of these opportunities depend on a precise and well executed legal technology strategy aligned to the legal professionals desired outcomes and goals.


Colin can help you by collaborating with you on a roadmap for your technology journey through assessing your current state, evaluating gaps in your tech awareness and personalized consulting sessions to help you find the right opportunities for yourself.

Legal Tech Vendors

Selling legal tech isn’t easy or for the faint of heart. It requires patience, collaboration, and lots of listening.


As someone who has been on both sides as both a buyer and a seller, I get it and I can help you and here’s how.


With my experience as an advisor to multiple legal tech startups, deep and growing knowledge base, and an extensive social network, I can help evaluate your solution, find the right partners to help with implementing your solutions, and provide evaluative feedback and input on ideas in development and new solutions in development.

The legal tech world is constantly expanding.

It is also complex, multifaceted and can often be overwhelming.

Create a personalized consulting plan with Colin tailored to your specific needs.


“Colin is innovative, courageous and open minded, In equal parts, he shares tips while being open to learn from the experiences of others. The sign of a fantastic leader in my book. He is also a leading voice ushering in LegalTech for our industry. His insights and experiences are offered broadly to help industry participants grow.”

Chad Aboud

Consultant and Former GC, AudienceView

Create a plan.

Increase success.

Decrease Doubts.

Inquire about consulting with Colin today.
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